terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


Haven't blogged in a very very long time. But guess what? I'm back bitches.
And here is a lengthy post about what happened in October crammed in a bunch of words, for your reading pleasures. Mm, pleasures... (What a weird word)

  • Congrats, 2200+ blog views yay what a milestone. 241+ followers on Spotify and 4,014 readers on Trip advisor!
  • Basic bitches grouped everywhere in my lecture literally why i don't like going to uni 1/2 the time. Oh wait ya im just a loner. ha ha ha idm.
  • Exams are done and so am I (i gotta stop saying this)
You know those people who say "AH I did so bad on my exam" and then they end up getting a good mark?
Well, I'm one of those people who think I did well on my exam, and get a bad mark.Finished all my exams! That means I'm 1/3 a nurse, hello 4 months of eating and watching TV series.
  • Went to Linh's 18th party; photo booth and flaming drinks
being kool w da boizzz wasup 
bffs; mostly took photos n failed at making drinks
came late bc tomato girl picked me up w 3 others..omg i was peeing and there was no toilet thing lock and RANDY WALKS IN ON ME AND SWORE AND APOLOGISED AND I SCREAMED BUT LUCKILY I WAS JUST FINSIHED HAHAH awkward~~~
Some dude made this flaming drink that looked rad, called the blue lamborghini and it involved like 3 wine glasses, a lighter and some other various things. anyway, Yee's hair caught on fire. and it was HILARIOUS. HAHA very fun night n made some friends, shoutout to nikko, randy, & igor! :-)
  • Watched the LOTR trilogy  ate the best? sushi (so far)
w the buttchin <3
Liam is trying to educate me on top films. His hand was my headrest HAHA Idk why it was so funny/cute like ya ima queen. Drank some champagnes n I felt pretty tispy really quick it wasn’t even much lmao, never again

Also, we made a fire thing out of wood at night which was so cool and we layed on a blanket cuddling and it was so perf. i could lay there 4ever. I eat romantic shit up. If I were asked to just sit on a roof and look at the stars id probably internally combust. also it's really nice getting to kiss someone u rly like. when we were sleeping he just turned into a worm and curled up in the middle of the bed laughing. I WASNT EVEN TICKLING HIM idk it was all just hilarious and took us long to settle down bc we silly

stopped by mt cootha to get choc mint icecreams HAHA

selfie sozntsoz ft. baileys

the half cooked salmon ones were actually amazing. best things ever
We ate sushi train called sushi train and it was seriously amazing and induced many mouthgasms, and the roof was cool.
  • Coke and dry red wine tastes pretty good
Surprisingly. it was all I had, dont judge
  • The sudden realisation that I'm going to be an adult next week!??!
I DONT WANNA GROW UP BUT I DO. At least i can see cool bands now n go to bars n stop pretending that im 18

  • What else? oh ya i went to the beach

still ought to go swimming. I Wanna go to a swimming hole HAHAH like skinny dip. where do I find one it looks so cool though :( like i wanna go hiking too so many activities 2 do ajh holidays.. someone b my friend n drive me :-) i give u friendship n hugs

a lot of ppl ask me what i want, and P.s. get me this for my birthday:
Also, a finger pulse oximeter, lingerie, plane tickets, concert tickets, themepark tickets, festival tickets, imac, quality speakers, sphygmometer, stethoscope, a crosley X UO record player, rafaello chocolates, LUSH, victor & rolf flowerbomb, thigh highs, a black Polaroid camera, a dslr camera, a car, $jewelry, $10000 and a cat, ty

I think I'll leave it there. Anyway, bye!

But seriously, how good does a swimming hole look!?!

omg this waterfall though...

anyone up for a hike up gold coast hinterlands?!? omg this is in mt tambourine??

......since i have so much free time. gonna write up a resume n find a job.;

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