1 OBSCURE FOX: 12* Things to do alone on Friday night

terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Saturday, 8 November 2014

12* Things to do alone on Friday night

To all the loners out there on a friday night I have the solution to all your problems...

  1. Watch a movie/whole tv series in one sitting, I downloaded season 1-9 of scrubs wby?
  2. Play Sims, do the boolprop testingcheats enabled true and cry because your Sims live a more exciting life than you
  3. Google ghost stories- which leads to- exorcist stories -which makes you kinda freak out and have nightmares for weeks, how to twerk, how to tie a tie, and how to find the g spot (dont ask k bye/) + other random crap on the world wide web
  4. Scroll through Tumblr for 2 hrs
  5. Clean your room & get distracted, recycle math sheets from 12th grade and thinking how the hell did i know that!?! oh wait i failed.. Ha-ha.. and read through old happy birthday cards your friends got you with odd drawings and poems, reminiscing.
  6. Try to cook a meal for yourself while listening to loud music, it's always fun
  7. Dance along with loud music in the dark; anything goes
  8. Sit and wallow in sadness and wonder "oh god why am i so alone"
  9. Eat your troubles away with various snacks in your pantry
  10. Take a sip and try your parent's expensive(or cheap) wines/liquor in the alcohol cabinet??
  11. Become sad and angry slowly as your friends flake out one by one for plans
  12. someone be my frand pls who will hang out w me whenever i want 
  13. benefits: I will give you lots hugs, make jokes and laugh at ur jokes, travel 
  14. ummm.. i will do random shit w u 90% of the time, explore foodplaces like lets idk go through each and every restaurant on the top list on urbanspoon 
  15. ..and I will take annoyingly copious amounts of photos to post on my shitty blog
  16. this topic was over since point number 12 and i cannot think of anything anymore..so anyway, bye. i love you all peace muah x
GIF of the week:

This guy would survive a horror movie. 
Dem freedom pants

Anyway, bye!

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