1 OBSCURE FOX: 14 Advice every girl MUST know

terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Thursday, 9 October 2014

14 Advice every girl MUST know

Inspired by Anna Akana who is my love i love you omg shes so perfect and smart and just so ..shes my idol but decided to do my own <33

some wonderful motherly advice by me. and things i wish i would tell my young 16 year old self. With love xo
> Queue Urge Overkill's "Girl you'll be a woman soon" a la Pulp Fiction.

There's still many things to learn, but in honour of turning 18 next month i have quickly compiled a list of life lessons, some may be more personal/more serious than others; kinda a serious post but i feel like it's so important to speak up about these issues since so many teenage girls are mistreating themselves and constantly getting hurt and don't know their value/worth.

  1. Know who your real friends are. Hang with the right people with positive vibes who make you feel better about yourself & are encouraging. *Note: some girls can be real bitchy ass hoebags and just stay away from them and all the unnecessary drama. also, gossip is pointless. people still do it. Ignore them.
  2. the past is the past dont let it define you, learn from that shit and move on, seriously. Make mistakes, but learn from them.
  3. Come out of your shell and even though it's cheesy, be yourself!~~~~~
  4. Love you instead. YOU MATTER. YOUR'RE VALID. and your feelings and opinions are valid. Loving yourself is more important than loving somebody else.  Kids should be taught about self-love from the start. You're all divine, sacred beings. take pride in your looks. Treat your body like a temple. run- even though you hate it. drink lots of water. (Not too much or you will go into overload and have peripheral oedemas and cyanosis). read. study.- be smart, fill your head with knowledge who cares.  *n.b: keep your eyebrow game strong. Stop trying to please everyone because you can't
  5. Fuck the haters. Not literally .Chances are ppl hate you BC you mean competition. make yourself shine and make others want to shine too. but what they say doesnt mean it's true unless you start to believe it ignore them back their negative energy isnt what we need, don't waste your time and energy on someone who dont give 2 shits
  6. Your body is your body and everything we see in the media is fake and those models in the magazines are models for a reason and its just professional makeup & photoshop and everyone is unique and come in all shapes, colors and sizes dont try to be anything else work with what you got, flaunt it bby. your body is there with you forever till the day u die so u might as well deal with it. and it's just normal look at the dove campaigns, stretchmarks, birthmark every scar its all normal. unless u got like a tumour growing then yea u might wanna get that checked. moisturise yo body ; even your face ESPECIALLY YOUR FACE (you'll thank me later). if you like makeup and it makes you feel confident then wear it. RED LIPSTICK. ITS ALL ABOUT confidence, charisma and character. look at your vagina get to know your body and feel comfortable in it treat your body with respect and if anyone doesnt like it then fuck them (not literally)
  7. Know that the only thing controlling your happiness is you.
  8. Everything is temporary. 
  9. know how to apologise when you're wrong and accept defeat when you lose
  10. Sometimes you just gotta respect your parents and try to win them with brownie points bc arguing with them is not gonna help itl just make it worst. reason with the old folks even if youre gonna do something slighty rebellious act like a reliable person around them and hug your mum for no reason bc she loves you. ive always been a good believer of trying everything at least once and deciding if you like it or not. i.e. drugs, sex and rock n roll.
  11. find anything that makes you happy and just fucking do it. watch the whole series from start to finish of friends, eat maccas. Embrace your fast metabolism while you're young. i d c
  12. literally not every person you meet will be all fine and dandy. 
  13. ""Lets just chill" guys are guys that you just met, who are interested in you, but make every excuse not to go on a date. They prefer for you to go to their house or your house to "just chill" or watch a movie. They are only interested in getting into your pants. And are unbelievably boring.""just because boys show you any signs of intimacy doenst mean they like you, you shouldnt trust people so fast and avoid sharing/opening up yourself to them bc they dont give a shit about you and it will only make you vulnerable. learn to say no.
  14. Know that everyone is also living life just like you, just getting by each day and you have the power to choose whatever the fuck you do and you shouldnt judge people bc maybe that people can be really cool but all you see is the surface filtering everythng is not good and blocking out people isnt good just embrace it. Don't miss any opportunity to say hello humanity is a wonderful thing, keep an open mind.
→Self esteem: () () ()
→Confidence: () () ()
→Self love/positivity: () () ()

Now i expect someone to buy a cake, people gathering around me blowing those loud party things, me blowing candles and magically transforming into an adult with a smooth instant but elegant floating twirl green and pink magic dust

P.s. almost 2000 views on the blog. yay milestone.


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