1 OBSCURE FOX: Shots, brothels and buttholes

terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Friday 5 September 2014

Shots, brothels and buttholes

hey guise whats up find out about my week if you want

I don't have much photos BC no phone n yeah.

Studied for a little. Liam went to my lecture and wrote fgt on my book. I forgot. I think we ate sushi train with Edward. ANd edward was horrible at holding chopsticks and it was a mess hahahaha which was funny.

Went to class really late, was rushing. Saw someone who looked like a fgt walking w his earphones in with one shoulder on his backpack and punched him. Came to class, was late, sat down, apparently they're already finished doing the worksheets, tutor says I might have to do Saturday class, Tutor shoos me out and says she has another class after this and says I can stay for that one. Thank god, who the hells wants to come in on Saturday. Waited outside, went in. Worked with this Asian guy and this girl who were pretty nice to me. Studied some more until late, got a booth yay 

Went to f black lab to meet Liam and then we walked to the bar and ordered drinks
Then we decided to go to Reece's house, drank alcohol, watched movies and ate pizza which was cool.

Shotz w Da BoiiZ in credit of alieum browny

Hahaha we were eating pizza on plates and Reece keeps going on about using placemats and yelling "what are u, you filthy animals?!" HAHA it was so funny idk why

The extremely hilarious moment when I dropped meat off the pizza and Liam said something about a brothel. like "this is a _ not a damn.. brothel" or something along the lines of it- and i think the whole table quickly erupted into loud uncontrollable laughter.

Liam layed down and told andrew to lie on top and I layed on top of andrew it was funny and sandwhichy/"raunchy"sauce it was a dream


I got my period. FK. Decided to not drink coffee, but tea. And it was so bad. I went to my lecture late and I saw Thi while walking to the lecture and shes like "WHY aRE YOU EVEN GOING UR LATE" and I proceeded to walk. And I sat at the very back. Lul.

I met Rachel while walking to the library, sat side by side and studied, then and we handed our assignments in at the same time and it was wonderful <3
And when I printed it, came out doubled sided, fk. and i printed something twice, fk.

After going to my tutorial, was meant to stay back and study with the group but we just sorted out who's going to do what. I was so dead and so hungry. 

Met with Liam outside the library. Saw Liam's face 4 days in a row LMAO. Went to prac, we had to stick and lubricate an edema in a bum hole. Also put this sheath condom thing on the penis, and there was a vagina at one point. Omg lol.

We were talking and found out that Yvonne was MARRied what!??! then the teacher was in the elevator with us, kinda awk. And she gave us advice on marriage, saying that you have to be friends with them first for it to work which i think is somewat true

And there was an empty lecture room and we just ran in, tried talking on the microphone thing i think i said something about penises and then we heard this loud beep and we just ran straight out LMAO 

Walked to the bus stop with Rachel and Sharon at night talking about random shit . IM HUNGRY. \

back of lecture- 10 ppl - no coffee- extremely 1hr late- selfie


Did nothing and went to the Moon fest, walked around trying to find people I know. I saw cyan and walked with her most of the time. Apparently Kim and stuff were supposed to come but they were going to "moonlight" festival which is a totally different thing at the city.

Basically it sucked balls and I remember I was being a wing woman and these 2 guys (she liked the one with the denim jacket) were buying tickets to this avalanche ride for us and we waited to go on and it was rly awk HAHHA. Anyway we went on, that was probably the highlight on the night. Also they were planning to go somewhere after this to eat but im like nah gtg, I didn’t really know them lmao

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