1 OBSCURE FOX: Cold wintery Friday night ☃

terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Friday 18 July 2014

Cold wintery Friday night ☃

friends, frozen and friday

Pretty last minute thing (spontaneous outings are usually the best) but I went to my friend's house last night. ANd just chilled, I think these nights are the best, just hanging with your close friends, not really doing anything, just the presence of them around is comforting. They forced me to watch Frozen bc i havent watched it, and tbh It was merely alright, just OK. (the reaction when they heard me was like WHAT r u crazy best movie, etc..?!?) I just don't see what the big deal is, what all the fuss is about, like. I've seen most of the gifs from facebook and tumblr already so it was already spoiled for me. HAHa

In one part of the movie some old English dude with a mustache was king of "Wezeltown" and I laughed so much about that. Probably more than i should. But i tend to do that. We were all questioning the logic behind the movie which was hilarious. Shazza made us hot chocolates with marshmellows and it was really nice. because it was so cold and we ate chocolate, and biscuits and it was really unhealthy but who gives right HAha


Then the rest of the others came and we watched "bride wars" which is a horrible cringing chick flick and we were like.. um that is so0o0 cyan! (the drunk chick in the movie) and just comparing ourselves to the characters in the movie. HAha.

 the game that tears frienships apart

We played "can of worms" while devouring popcorn and it was really fun haha, so many heated debates and opinions, my friend Kim has like no opinions,she just agrees with everything so easily. I think me and shazza were really similar in our answers and morals. Like i remember one of the questions was "would you take 10 years of your life away to become instantly rich?" and me and shazza were like FUCK YES>  they're like.. blah blah personal satisfaction.. blah and Bessie had like no logic at all- no points to back up her arguments- just anger- and we kept shutting her arguments down it was really hilarious yet so cruel. AHAH im sorry. (not soz)

Bessie drove us home, and let me be honest SHE IS (by far) one of the worst drivers i've ever encountered HAHHAHA, THE SECOND you step foot in i knew it was going to be a disaster. didnt indicate, didnt look over her shoulder, omg. I literally wanted to throw myself out the car at one point. at least 10k under the speed limit. HORRIBLE TUrNS.. you get the point but luckily I made it home safe and sound. I mean i thought i was bad, but like this is a whole new level OMG.

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