1 OBSCURE FOX: Clubbing at the Valley

terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Monday, 22 December 2014

Clubbing at the Valley

Waited in line for the toilets where we witnessed two girls vomiting in the same sink. 2 girls 1 sink. 

This was taken after we got out. Nearly 3AM. 

Me, Gabs and Dom.

A few moments after this there was a huge fight in the middle of the valley. 

Last minute plans with Gabby to go clubbing, she was late and we ended up missing the train and waiting 40 minutes, Zara was there too. Got to the valley at 12am

Stood and waited at the ATM and damn Zara (Indian girl who I was friends with in high school) already made eye contact and got chatted up some guys (but they were kinda freaky TBH LMAO) anyway, she left him.

Got money, went into "Our Place" which was small and crowded. 
Went out. Lined up for Hot Gossip.
Met Dom. She's cool. 
Went it. It's pretty cool. Lights n shit. Cover charge was $15
Danced. It was cool. I unleashed my dance demon. 

Looked away, Zara has already accepted and grinded up next to some old dudes. Look back and next second started making out. This happened quite a lot throughout the night.

It's quite funny how guys think they hit the jackpot and "got lucky" and got the moves, because a girl is dancing all grindin up on your crotch and stuff, but really, try seeing her "get out of the situation" and later face-sucking and grindin it on with 6 different guys at the same club and finally see how "special" you really are, lol.

I mean sure, guys will just about grind up to any girl they see and if they get rejected, quickly move on to the next. No biggie. 

I mean, sure, if you kiss someone you met just literally 6 seconds ago, that could be somewhat exciting. But really. C'mon, I wouldn't throw myself out there for a creep I barely know to touch my body.. OK SURE...Maybe if I was extremely desperate for love and attention, Extremely single, getting over someone, extremely craving the D or looking like James Dean. Hell yeah, by all means go for it. Take a man's hopes and dreams and crush it. LEAVE SEVERAL MEN WITH UNFINISHED BONERS. Not judging here. But pussy power rules.

I don't know if I'm making sense because it's almost 2AM in morning which makes this technically Tuesday.


All u gotta do is flash a little smile, bump into them and dance nEAR them and they will approach you.

forget that, just look at them and dance infront of them

ACTUALLY, just look at them

Girls have it so easy. 100%. 
(Mostly because most men would fuck anything higher than a 3)

I mean clubs, they seem to be good for: 

1) Picking up guys, although almost certainly, not the right kinds though
2) Increasing self-confidence because all the guys trying to hit on you throughout the night
3) Single people.

Overall, I rate my experience a 5/10.
Will I be going to out to the Valley every weekend? The answer is No.

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