1 OBSCURE FOX: Happy August! ft. Todd the toadfish

terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Sunday 3 August 2014

Happy August! ft. Todd the toadfish

me fishy- todd yea i was rly excited

  • Went fishing with liam hAHha it was sorta fail bc he brang tuna but it didn't work as bait and then we were catching crabs and walking through rocks which was fun
  • it was rly cold n lieum let me borrow his hoodie, heh c;
  • there was so many blue jellyfishies lol blob blob just laying on the ground 
  • I CAUGgHT the majestic toadfish its so ugly but cute
  • I had to throw it back in bc it was like poisionous or something lol
this is a better photo lol

  • Forget "Comin home" THE GIRL IS BEST SONG BY CITY AND COLOUR HANDS DOWN pls some1serenade me n i will cry
  • got 123 followers & counting on one of my spotify playlists lmao was not expecting anyone to follow it but yeah yay
  • FINALLY CLEANED OUT MY wARdROBE! fully. and moved all my summer clothes into a box yay. bout time. this will probs last a few days before going back to its orginal form
  • accidently made the most heavenly thing ever
  • HEaven:  take a scotchfinger and spread nutella on it and sandwhich it with another scotfinger. mmhmhhm diabetus.
  • skipped uni today too tired and only had 1 lecture anyway
  • Um my room is a mess 
  • can i clean it in 10 minutes , maybs
  • UM shaved my legs with conditioner and it worked very well just sayin
  • i used the organic one with fruit LOL it smells very nice
  • bye

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