1 OBSCURE FOX: Semester 1 Results

terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Saturday 5 July 2014

Semester 1 Results

SO SHIT. But hey, I didn't fail.

  • Bioscience is a pain and it's so hard to understand and keep up. Although I think I could do better or at least tried harder, lol. I was late for my first lab so I sat next to a group of older guys, and the only foe I made was Aaron (some guy with a beard). We worked together sometimes and I remember this one time we looked up "why do we need nose hairs" because it was one of the questions on the paper or something on google, and popped come a really close-up pic of a exposed dilated nostril with nose hair on wiki and we laughed so hard. LOL. That's probably the only good time in that class. Also, I remember there was a quiz at the end, and we use to just work as a group to answer it. It was really awkward waiting to come in bc everyone was already in their little groups.
  • Clinical Prac is fun. Best class and classmates. But the teacher thinks I laugh too much and don't pay attention much. I get told off for that. Me and my friend Jess like to just talk and muck around most of the time in this class. That's why we are like the worst students Haha
  • Diversity and Health is so shit. Some of it is interesting. Nobody goes to the lectures. But most people failed writing the essay, thank god I passed. Although the second essay I wrote was rushed and was probably the shittiest thing I've written. It's one of those subjects you have to bullshit your way through. I liked my tutorial class, it was OK. I felt a bit confident, I actually volunteered to talk infront of the class.
  • Professional studies. I hate this subject, but suprisingly got a 7 (HIGHEST MARK) for my awesome speech filled with energy and lame jokes. I got a 6 for my essay (I forgot to print the safe assign report, but I emailed it to her- but she didn't get it). I had like one friend in this class but she quit.
  • Also I asked Liam what he got and got a 4.3? I think so I felt better HAHHA WHOOP WHOOP

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