1 OBSCURE FOX: Alec's 18th ☆

terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Saturday 26 July 2014

Alec's 18th ☆

HAHA fatboy at the back being drunk. he usually just passes out. the signs;
1) bloodshot eyes.
2)dizziness 'i feel dizzy'
3)posing in photos (which is rare)
4)pass out, ded

Cyan picked me up and drove to the bws for the others to buy alcs lol then we when to Alec white boy party

ERM HI hihihihi 

Rolled in sat near cris and talked for a while Hahahha he's so mean. Then he left me,that bitch. talked to fat boy. For awhile about sims 2 lol it's free! Apparently on origin. 

Then finally decided to sit down with the girls. But they were probably gossiping or some shit. Leanna just straight up asked me "omg do u have a bf" Blah blah They want me to go to stereosonic with them in December- I said yes. but I'm not that much of edm fan and is rather go to other concerts/festivals tbh haha.


We went for a maccas run just for ice cream and came back. The food was there and we ate. Jason and Anthony plus most of the others were there, and we all sat in a big circle thing. They were still talking about how that one time how I got 100 perfect score in karaoke whilst singing celine dion's "my heart will go on". I joked how it was my "greatest achievement" and they were like "you must live a boring life" hahhahaha. true though I live an extremely unfulfilling life HAHA

Something really funny happened, Cyan reversed and backed up into a tree. Lol.
On the way back we were making fun of her.. "CAREFUL ANH! TREE!", the car erupted into laughter.  It was a had-to-be-there moment lol.

i dont remember taking this picture

Then me and cyan looked at Alec's rats. In his room. Then sat on the balcony with Justin and fat boy. 

Went near the pools. And the crazy people- cyan wanted to go swimming. Justin is ruthless and he just stripped down and jumps, not suprising. Cyan followed and then vi. Albert stripped down to his undies and jumped in. Alec came in and jumped and then Jess. They came out freezing and shivering. 

YOLo moment (?!)
I was contemplating whether I should or not. But I didn't. Partly because it was already freezing cold in the first place, I'd get sick really easily, and partly because I didn't want to ruin my clothes and go home all wet?!? 
Most people went home by this time already. 

Omg  Hahah
I was talking to Justin after he jumped into the pool on the seats and he joined
Then Justin left and we were alone
We introduced ourselves
I shook hands with marco
Omg he's so cute like omg
And his hands were cold
I was like "haha ur hands r cold"
And he laughed
And I asked if he was one of Alec's gymnast friends and he said he got kicked off for being a threat or something
Anyway he left
After He poured me and vi a gross whiskey drink but when he poured mine- it was over and was like "oh sorry it's a bit too much haha and he drank from it fROm My CUP
Omg can u believe it
☝ I wrote that yesterday. AHHAHA omg i dont remember writing this - probs on my phone thats embarrassing he has a gf 

Also the whiskey drink was fucking terrible and my throat burned. Also that Canadian club drink is nice. I may have had a couple of drinks, but not go home obviously all drunk and shit, but I remember most things. I'm still logical. lol. I don't even feel anything.

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