1 OBSCURE FOX: Loon Lake "Farewell" Tour

terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Loon Lake "Farewell" Tour

Ate at Chur Burger, p.s. little creatures pale ale is very nice and drinkable. Arrived at The Brightside at the Valley. The stage is pretty intimate.

Saw some very elaborate bathroom art that speaks to me in volumes.

Saw, THIS GUY. I don't know his name so I had to search it up and do some research but he absolutely rocked the stage, his voice is extraordinary, along with his facial expressions. - sounds like Foo Fighters, but fast paced, with soul and power! He gave it his all and was sweating! They are "POLISH CLUB".

Loon Lake is breaking up. The crowd was great. Although a lot of people spilt their drinks, and there's always that one drunk chick that pushes in. And THAT ANNOYING COUPLE that makes out. They killed it though! and was so bloody brilliant. The finale song was "In the Summer", and what a great song to end it with. SO CHILL people were on the stage dancing to Cherry Lips.

Afterwards, we ran for the train. 3 minutes to the last train home. Literally sprinting and then the weirdest thing happened-- some guy playing the bongo to the beat of our running. Seems like something from a movie chase scene.

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