Measured my pulse and it was 101 bpm like wow i have a really fast heart rate. omg. wtf.
also measured my blood pressure today and i was 96/60mmhg. thats so low. REALLY low. i know most people it's their normal if it's always low, but i'm usually in the average range. the normal is 120/80. heart rate 98bpm. i have hypotension. i do feel a little light-headed, maybe because I'm a little dehydrated butive taken some fluids since then. i shall check again tomorrow.
i peed after taken the fluids and it was super clear so I shouldn't be dehydrated anymore.
It's really weird because in my case, it's exactly opposite to orthostatic hypotension because my systolic blood pressure was around 112 and it actually increased when i stood up
take in my age, smoking status and weight consideration, I shouldn't worry about anything
maybe the fact that i sleep so early - 9 hours - has something to do with my tiredness, but for now i would just drink a glass of water every hour, maybe do some quick exercises/stretches.
...already beginning to diagnose my own problems...
after finishing placement i know for sure iwanna be a nurse, maybe not full time aged care but yeah. i found it was very repetitive and routine.
my facilitator has been so so lovely and nice and has offered to be my reference when i said i was looking for a p/t job as an AIN since finishing your first year while studying a bachelor's of nursing, you're basically qualified- even more because you know about the science-y parts- than a Cert 3 in aged care. so that's that. andi can get a job as an undergraduate nurse in my 2nd year, but i think 2nd year pay is higher by a dollar an hour $25.
buti will be doing a lot more placements next year, each will get longer and actually in hospitals this time
only thingi need now is a driver's license, and icant park for shit. Can't blame me. i'm working on it slowly. maybei need to do more driving lessons with that bodybuilder guy that likes the beatles, although ive done way more than needed, idontwanna spend a grand on driving instructors.
on your first prac you'll see: poo, pee, naked bodies, nice old people, angry old people.
you'll: pick up a nappy (w/ or w/out poo/pee), wipe someones ass, put sudo-cream on someones ass, make 100 beds, feed someone on their ass, get your ass told off.
Seriously, most of the time I was making beds, sitting down, having a chat or watching TV. it's really chilled working in aged care.
Planis do a graduate program in one of the hospitals after i graduate, and move/upgrade onto a clinical nurse after i get years of experience- maybe nurse practitioner if im up for it.
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