terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Tuesday 15 July 2014


Find out what the hell I've been up to this week..

So, what's new this week? I'm sure you're keen to know that:

  • My brother is back from melbourne which is good, because he brought me gifts/ souviniers ?? is that how you spell it? idk doesnt look right.. oh well
  • I totally raided his room (by permission) to find his DVD collection and watched like 5 of it in the past week
  • It was a box of macarons from Adriano zumbo (i only had 1 and shared it.) but it was so good. Like biscuits, for rich people
  • I discovered the reason that they put coffee beans at perfume shops is to get rid of other aromas (which admittedly blew me away). and relates to the next point because..
  • I've been completely reliant on coffee in the mornings. i think im slowly and surely becoming a caffeine addict, except i only have one cup every morning. which still, is pretty terrible but it's so good. but like many drugs, caffeine is chemically addictive
  • But i think there's something wrong with me- it's not even the legit coffee from the coffee machines (even though i have one and never use it- partly because i dont know how, and partly because my dad said it was.."bad"??? idk) it's like the ones that are packaged in a small sachet? then i add like a spoonful of the strong instant ones and sugar?. anyway..
  • I gave liam my blog link because he kept nagging me about it for like an hour on facebook and i finally gave in, and now he's probably stalking/judging me then use it as blackmail
  • My period ended (yata!) but only lasted 4 days. which is a good thing but then i thought WTF that's kinda short, is that irregular? then i resorted to the old google search and apparently it was so, i panicked for no reason
  • Apparently nipple beads exists
  • I signed up for 3 coursera courses (I highly doubt i'd finish any of them though but im trying, just the idea of it makes me feel like i am accomplished): Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students- which i think would be useful in my nursing practice. Social Psychology- because it seems interesting, and Fundamentals of Music Theory- because i have put off music for too long beside teaching my cousin piano on the weekend
  • I ordered something (cant say what) online like a month ago AND I STILL AHVENT RECIEVED IT. should i contact the seller? idk. what. im genuinely frustrated. 
  • I recieved somthing in the mail today, i was excited, opened it and it was something else. (fuck.) it was these coffee things i got for free for signing up for something lol.
  • Very vague i know
  • THis one guy i have on snapchatVIDEOS himself.. LITERALLY in the shower just like under the running water and him washing his hair. (that- in itself, is already fucking insane) AND ONCE he WAS EATING A FUCKING GRANNY SMITH APPLE, IN THE SHOWER. and captioned it "being healthy".
  • 1: wtf. 2: why. 3: wat do you want me to feel; wat is the purpose of this. 4: i hope one day ur phone gets wet lol. 5: WTF. AGAIN. 
  • So I was watching this porn today (dont judge. and yes girls watch porn too). It was all going well... And this guy just grabs and completely breaks the curtains and the curtain bar thing as well and sort of just wraps the cloth around the girl (like a piece of clothing resembling a ghost) to choke her neck?! WTF. HAhahah literally wtf. Looked like a badly made Halloween ghost?!? I couldn't believe it HaHa I was in hysteria 
  • Brutally honest wikipedia. Pictured below.

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