1 OBSCURE FOX: Best of INFJ confessions Part 1. (TUMBLR)

terrible unedited & unadulterated food reviews, personal life ventures; occasionally good music

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Best of INFJ confessions Part 1. (TUMBLR)

The rarest of them all. You're not alone.

  1. When I go to new places, I adapt the second I set my foot there. I feel like if I had money I would start travelling from one place to another and get so absorbed in it that I’d never go back home. I feel like I don’t know what homesick means. Anyone else here is like that?
  2. Do any infj’s feel a haze or fuzziness when they’re learning about something they don’t fully know yet, but are slowly gaining some grasp in. It’s like waking up in the middle of a car ride as a child and not recognizing where you are until something clicks and you know exactly where you’re located not because of the landmarks you’re used to seeing, but because of what you suspected to be around you.
  3. I think the scariest part of being an INFJ is when you get in a fight with someone you really care about. What terrifies me is that I know I have the power to completely tear them apart, but I always stop myself before I say something too hurtful. I’m so afraid that one day I’m going to use that power and I’ll regret saying something that I knew would hurt someone. (Whether it’s true or not)
  4. Stress makes me sick. I get migraines, nausea, back pain and muscle pain from as much as thinking about something or someone stressful.
  5. Everybody seems to like me but I always feel like it’s because they only know the fake me, the parts of my personality that I show them when I want to be friendly and appreciated. As soon as the ‘real’ me appears, raw, less kind, less jovial and less chill out, I feel like they might not even recognize me and dislike me at the second. So only a few people know me completely. Those person I trust even more than myself, they can call me on my bullshit and reassure me about my worth.
  6. The internet tends to romanticise INFJs quite a bit. People tend to associate us with some kind of lost, misunderstood angel. If we get toxic, we can get needy, illogical or play the victim. I’ve also seen how dark my thoughts can be, and when I analyse it just when I dissect other emotions methodically, I can clearly see who I’d become if I acted that way, and how everything would slowly turn 
  7. I hate it so much when people put words in my mouth or make incorrect assumptions about me. I hate when people act like they know me when they don’t. No one really knows me. I don’t even know me.
  8. I feel like a trash can where people can just dump their problems and never deal with them again. I’m constantly yelled at. Constantly. I’m not doing anything wrong, it’s just that people are so wrapped up in their problems that they don’t realize that they’re hurting me. I’m exhausted and don’t ever feel like talking to anyone. I want to tell someone how I feel, but don’t want anyone to feel like I do.
  9. If you’re nice to me, but mean to others, we are not going to be friends. I don’t form relationships with assholes.
  10. Sometimes I feel like a sociopath because I don’t react to certain things like others and I “think” about things instead of “feeling”. For example, I only give hugs because I know it can make people feel good. And I will only hug someone if I know they truly need it or if they must have a hug. I will never just hug. It’s quite a process when it comes to things of such nature. I think it’s interesting but also very weird. 
  11. I can be so spot on about other people’s feelings and like some spongy emotional barometer, I can pick up others energies, mood swings, anxieties, and emotions – yet, I’m so uncertain and perplexed about my own emotions and feelings.
  12. I never involve myself in conflict or arguments unless it’s concerning something I very passionately believe in. I usually just sit back and examine the conflict and arguments and understand both sides but normally make my own opinion on who is right based on my beliefs. I don’t normally speak up because it takes a lot of energy to get involved in political/religious/worldwide issues. But when I do, I fight hard… I know when to speak and when to be silent. Once I am done. I’m done.
  13. I cannot stand to listen to people fight. It makes me so distressed.
  14. I feel as if I’m a constant contradiction. I am introverted, I don’t like to reveal and divulge everything about myself, but I find myself getting extremely lonely during summer and wanting nothing more than to be with a group of people. I feel as if I need someone to talk to, to make me feel less alone but I dont trust anyone enough, and have burned too many bridges with people I once did.
  15. I tend to be very emotional but I’m always afraid to show it because I can’t stand the idea of people seeing me as weak 
  16. I always try so hard to include everyone who’s in my friend group. I listen to the person who’s trying to tell a story but gets talked over by the rest of them. When the sidewalk isn’t big enough for everyone I slow down and walk with whoever’s left behind. I work with them in class when the teacher says find a partner. Little stuff like that. I just know what it’s like to be that extra person and I don’t ever want to inflict that on anyone.
  17. Being an infj, the most attractive thing I can find in a person is someone who wants to listen and cares to hear what I care about. It can get tiring listening to everyone else talk about what’s important to them all the time and not being appreciated for all the things us infj’s have on the inside. I feel like most people don’t really understand how deeply we feel things and how close we hold to our hearts what and who we love.
  18. I can’t stand pretentious and rude people even though I’m a little bit pretentious myself. 
  19. I find it difficult to talk to people and I constantly feel very lonely as a result. I don’t feel like I’m very close with many people. However, I also love being alone and I find it suffocating to be surrounded by people for too long. I’m not sure what the right balance is.
  20. i find myself making fake conversations with people in my head about things i want or need to talk about with them before i actually talk to them. sometimes i even fake conversations with guys i like or people i want to be friends with because it’s kind of nice to pretend.
  21. I just want someone who will stay. Just stay by me. Be on my side. I struggle with giving so much of myself to people. Eventually they all leave, eventually they all find other people. I just want to find someone who actually cares and values me as a single being. It’s like every relationship is only benefiting the other person. I’m tired of that. I need a team-mate.
  22. I feel so detached from reality most times. I feel I spend too much time in my head, which is good sometimes, but if it becomes exceedingly long, I’ll probably end up in a dreadful state of darkness, that is quite difficult to explain to others because everything is perfectly alright on the outside/real world.
  23. I want to be needed, but not just for advice. I feel like people only need me to solve their problems, but they never stick around to help me with mine.

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